Anand Damani

Jack Ma

Author Name

Jack Ma

Jack Ma is a successful and determined entrepreneur whose achievements in the corporate world have inspired many aspiring entrepreneurs. However, this quote by Jack Ma is coming from a limited understanding where some people are better than others. Identifying some people as better than others is a man-made standard and not found in nature.
The irony of all comparisons made till date is that human beings are compared with each other. That is like comparing oranges to apples. Human beings have the power of imagination which makes each one of them unique. In fact, the Potential inside everyone is infinite and no one is inferior or better than others in any way. All people are right and they act in their best interests according to the knowledge they have. It is the cultural conditioning that makes people see one individual as right and other as not so right.
Author Name

Jack Ma

Jack Ma is a 21st-century icon of success and innovation in the business world who has been appreciated for rising to the top with his breakthrough achievements. However, what he is trying to teach in this quote cannot motivate people to find a purpose in life. If human beings are stuck in a perceived reality where they are competing and striving for an imaginary tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, they will never be able to come out of it and experience the abundance that is there in existence.
According to the philosophy of coexistence, people need to be encouraged to live in the present, enjoy what they have, and not develop a scarcity mindset. The only real thing is the present. The past is gone and is an experience now. Future is anticipation only in the imagination of the human being. The present is always permanent and the only reality. Being in the present is the job at hand for all. A human being needs to be in present to create happy interactions within himself, with other people, and with nature.